Career Change: Why I Said Goodbye to my Medical Practice, Interview with Katrina Ubell, MD, Ep 45

What You’ll Learn from this Episode about Career Change: The Decision to Leave a Medical Practice with Katrina Ubell, MD:

  • What it’s like to think about a career change and question your happiness in your career, especially as a physician.
  • How having aging parents helped focus my priorities and realize my career wasn’t a good fit with my life.
  • How lack of flexibility in my job as a pediatrician became the final straw.
  • How approaching a milestone birthday helped me re-evaluate my life.
  • How deciding “not to decide” immediately opened up the possibility for career exploration.
  • How allowing yourself to dream takes some intentional planning.
  • How I thought through the option to become a Weight Loss Coach.
  • How my career change allowed me to broaden my reach and help even more people.
  • Why a career roadmap can often only include the next best step forward and that’s OK.

Welcome to another episode of the Women in the Middle podcast!

This week’s episode features an interview with someone who made a career change and said goodbye to a career she worked extremely hard to excel in, her pediatric medical practice. The interview’s part of the mini-series, Getting Real with Women in the Middle, where you’re introduced to an amazing woman in the middle who made a big scary decision so that she would be happier in midlife.

Katrina Ubell found herself questioning how happy she was as she transitioned into midlife. As a busy pediatrician, she loved helping people and working with children, but found the lack of flexibility in her job a real problem.

With a young family and aging parents, Katrina knew something had to change. She didn’t know how she would ever be able to manage and enjoy her career without being able to care for her family they way she wanted to. The internal conflict was real.

She felt trapped and extremely frustrated and started to entertain thoughts about retiring early. At first, the idea seemed crazy because so much of her life was focused on becoming a doctor. She wondered what people would think. She questioned if it was the right thing to do.

But, she also couldn’t ignore the feeling that while she was doing “everything,” she wasn’t doing anything well. She didn’t have much left for her family when she came home from work. Her mental and physical exhaustion at the end of the day was overwhelming.

Katrina decided to say goodbye to her medical practice and never looked back. By asking herself solution-focused questions, she realized there were other opportunities out there waiting for her where she could have the family life she wanted and continue to help people; after all, she was still a doctor at her core.

Don’t miss this episode!

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