Work with Me & Get Unstuck in Midlife – Private Life & Business Mindset Coaching

Apply for Private Mid Life Coaching with Suzy

Suzy Rosenstein is a Master Certified Life Coach & Midlife Mentor

I work with amazing, professional midlife women like you.

The only problem is you’re stuck and feel like you're running out of time to reach your potential and have the lifestyle you crave.

Bored with life. Bored with feeling so blah. Maybe you're not impressed with the way you're taking care of yourself. Or just overwhelmed with what's next.

You might want to get out of your long-term corporate job or maybe you're an entrepreneur trying to start or run you business. You might be on the brink of "empty nest" or even retirement.

These transitions can be daunting and confusing. The extra obstacle at this point in life is that you're also dealing with midlife issues, like caring for your elderly parents, menopause or lack of energy. Maybe your partner or friends are retiring when you're just getting started. Or maybe you're feeling too busy to spend time with your grandkids.

You know there's got to be more; you have to make decisions about how to get what you want in your life, but you just don't know how. Everything feels so overwhelming and confusing.

Watch what my client Marianna has to say...

Some days, you even wonder if you're having a midlife crisis. 

You know something's "off" and you just can't make the kind of progress you are used to making. You can no longer ignore your own drive to grow and have major goals...but it can be scary. You desperately want to change something or start something new...with your self-care, career, your life, your direction. Now that you’re older, you know deep down that there’s more out there for you, but you just can’t figure out what to do to make it happen. You really want to get out of your own way!

You've worked hard to create stability in your life. Stability, plus family life and establishing your career, however, have come at a cost. Your success makes everything look great on paper, but you when you feel  "off" like this, or anxious to get things rolling and in alignment with your values and priorities, it can be frustrating. You wish you could just get on with living and enjoying the life you have in your mind, but have no idea how to get there.




  • 18 sessions over 6 months
  • Personalized session notes to track insights and progress 
  • Online coaching access to me between sessions via SLACK for continued growth

Want more support as you figure out how to find the purpose you're looking for in your life and/or career?   This laser-focused coaching program will help you both get unstuck and determine your priorities, as well as get the coaching support you need so that you start living and loving the personal and professional contributions that you decide to prioritize.

My signature "F.U.N. Breakthrough Process" creates a powerful and enjoyable way to grow forward.

But it's not enough to only have "F.U.N." as you know all too well, lol.  Working together, you'll learn mindfulness strategies to empower yourself to manage your mind and emotions so that you are more intentional about your life. You will finally be unstuck and you'll be clear about how you want to live in your next chapter!



  •  24 sessions over 12 months
  • VOXER access
  • Personalized session notes to track insights and progress 
  • Online coaching access to me between sessions via SLACK for continued growth

Want to give yourself the gift of time as you make big, important changes in your life? Find the purpose you're looking for with this laser-focused coaching program that will help you get unstuck, get clear about what you want in your next chapter and develop the confidence and courage to go after it. You'll feel free and happier than you've been in ages and you'll never look back!


Typical problems to work on when coaching on midlife-related issues are:

  • Understanding your negative mindset around aging (which may surprise you)
  • How to have more fun
  • How to be more fulfilled
  • How to allow yourself to be happier
  • Determining priorities and purpose
  • How to regret-proof your life
  • How to be more intentional about relationships and your career
  • How to increase self-care
  • How to be more accountable to yourself
  • How to make difficult decisions
  • How to transition into life in an empty nest
  • How to prepare for and enjoy retirement on your ters
  • How to adjust your goals when midlife-related priorities (family, health, etc.) take precedence
  • How to increase confidence and courage.

Because there's 6 or 12 months of coaching support, you will:

  • Determine priorities around how you show up personally and professionally
  • Get clear about what you want and learn to live with more purpose
  • Start to make some of the changes that you really want and live more intentionally
  • Focus on actually making a big change (like changing your job, becoming an entrepreneur, transitioning into empty nest or retirement) during this time period (if you want)
  • Focus on being less fearful and more confident as it's common for emotions such as these are very much involved in feeling stuck
  • Enjoy a transformation that will be extremely noticeable so that you can commit with ease to living your best life!

Finally feel ready to move forward in your life with clarity around purpose so that you're more confident, fulfilled and excited than you've felt in decades!

Apply for private coaching by scheduling your no-obligation, no pressure 50 minute "Get Unstuck" Momentum Call!



Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult. You can do that right here.

Step 2. Apply! Fill out the questions when you make your appointment. Before we hop on Zoom, I’d like to know a bit about you and the results you want to achieve with coaching.

Step 3. At the scheduled time of your call, we’ll chat! We’ll use the opportunity to make sure we’re a good fit before you commit.

Step 4. Then we’ll get started! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a great fit, that's OK too.

Get unstuck midlife

Read What People Say...

Personal coaching with Suzy was the best decision I have made in a long time. By investing in myself, Suzy helped me see how my thoughts are creating my emotions, and how I was thinking about my circumstances was keeping me stuck in a midlife funk. She gave me tools to turn that bus around and take charge. After my career fell apart before my eyes, Suzy helped me emerge with a plan and with the confidence to build a life that I WANT to live.

Carolyn G., Missouri

Imagine you had more to talk to your friends and family about than how stuck and confused you were about what you should do, or how you never have enough time to take better care of yourself?

Instead, think about what it would be like to be confident about what you want and excited to make it happen. Yes, really!  

✔ You're tired of wasting time feeling so stuck.

✔ You know deep down that feeling stuck and frustrated like this isn’t serving you.

✔ You know that it's probably not a midlife crisis you're experiencing, but it's weird and confusing and you want it to stop!

✔ Maybe you're an entrepreneur and you're exhausted by midlife family obligations and working all the time.

✔ Maybe you're ready to kick things off as an entrepreneur but know you would love more accountability and a solid mindset.

✔ You're ready to be much happier because you’ll finally know exactly what you want and precisely how to get there.

✔ You can’t wait to find the meaning you’re looking for. There's more. You know it.

Let's talk.

The good news is… it's not a midlife fantasy. It's totally possible to unstick yourself or have the business you only dream about! You’re not alone and I can help you.

I help women, like you, who are stuck and confused about what they want in midlife. You're afraid of having regrets about what you didn’t do with your life, often your career.  Now that you’re older, you know something has to change, but aren’t sure where to start.  I help you get clear about what you want, start taking action and create a life you can get excited about.

The Clarity & Purpose" Midlife Coaching Package gives you more than a road map; it’s specific coaching to help you get unstuck and create a more fulfilling future. It's like your personal GPS to your next chapter!

Life your best life midlife

Here’s what’s included in the "Clarity & Purpose" Midlife Coaching Package:

First, over the next 6 or 12 months (there are two packages to choose from,) it's all about you getting more in touch with yourself than ever before.

You'll be getting private coaching. Each month we'll have two or three private calls (flexibility is included!) and online access to me between calls;  there's also time built in without calls for application of what you're learning. Each coaching session is 50 minutes long, all in the comfort of your own home. No make-up or pants required.  This is where the magic happens. Through a series of coaching calls, we'll uncover what’s holding you back from getting what you want in your life NOW.

Almost immediately, you'll start having more clarity. You'll start to notice what my clients call "a shift."  Your perspective about all kinds of things changes and you'll get clarity for the exact next steps you need to take to create the life you want. It's a beautiful thing!

  • You’ll practice a new way of thinking so you’ll become more committed to what you want to change in your life.
  • You'll also get unlimited online support between sessions as needed so you never feel stuck. Sometimes epiphanies come at odd hours and I’m here for you. Just press send!
  • You also get amazing tools to help you uncover why you’re not growing so you can get out of auto-pilot hell and start living the way you want.
  • You'll become a self-coaching ninja and become confident about your own ability so that you can manage your mind better and feel more in control than ever before.

You'll also receive worksheets and follow-up notes that review your biggest “aha” moments and support your accountability. These are great reminders of your work, insights and commitments. It also means you can focus on thinking and feeling, rather than writing and being distracted.

You'll be so relieved that you're clear and moving forward again, finally. You'll figure out what you want and why you want it.'ll have the courage to make it happen!

The bottom line is that you're giving yourself the most beautiful gift of putting yourself first for a change. You'll have confidence and courage to move forward.

How great (and unusual) is that?

I'm right there with you, coaching and mentoring you along the way; you won't feel alone. You'll also never look back and will love the clarity you now have about your life!

These jam-packed 6 or 12 month coaching packages lead to you feeling happier, lighter and giddy with excitement about your future. You’ll feel better than you’ve felt in years.

It’s a total transformation that your friends and family will ask you about because they can't help but notice how much happier you are.

Even though you’ll probably always have a lot on your plate and have a full life, you don’t have to live as though your days are just happening TO YOU.  You can finally say goodbye to feeling stuck and confused. You’ll no longer be worried about what your next step should be because you will be clear as anything.

If you’ve had enough of feeling stuck and are ready to finally take back control, get unstuck and get excited about your life again, sign up for a one-on-one "Get Unstuck" Momentum Call. Do it for yourself. Midlife is the perfect time to unstick yourself and create what you want!

Prioritizing regret-proofing your life will help you finally do what’s important to you.  

Are you interested in coaching together?

Please follow the instructions given on this page and book your free call!

Have questions?

Email me!

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