When you Want Calgon to Take You Away in Midlife

I bet you remember that commercial, “Calgon®, take me away!”…especially in midlife.

calgon midlife blog


It was about a midlife woman enjoying a bubble bath and the whole experience took her away into calm and relaxing bliss, which she desperately needed.


I find myself thinking about that commercial every now and again, lol. Especially in midlife, and I know I’m not the only one!



At  age though, it’s probably more about “take me away from my confusion so I can find what I’m looking for…”


“Take me away so I can get the clarity I want so I can understand what to do!”


“Take me away so I can get unstuck so I can start living the way I want…finally!”




This sort of thing feels common in midlife, right?


SERENITY is the state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled.


Now that you’re older, you want more. 


You want to be calm about figuring out your next chapter.


But when you feel stuck, you’re more likely to feel desperate.








And here’s the other thing.


When you’re trying to get unstuck, it doesn’t take that long to realize you don’t have what you need.


When I was stuck, I couldn’t believe I couldn’t figure it out in the past, I could always figure stuff out!


It’s different now.


You don’t have the tools. You don’t have the time.


And then…maybe you don’t feel like reading the 20+ books you bought on self-care and self-development, or finding the perfect essential oil for your diffuser to give you the clarity you’re looking for.


midlife quote blog


You just want your life to change and live happily ever after, satisfied, fulfilled with no regrets.


So you get back to thinking about how much you want to change…but feel completely overwhelmed and stuck…again.


You might even ask yourself…Can I do this alone? Even if I can, do I WANT to?


Is trying to sort it all out on my own working?


Perhaps you had a similar experience with trying to apply the lessons and thought work you learned in all the great books you bought or your favorite podcasts…maybe even the Women in the Middle Podcast.


Consuming all of this info feels like you’re doing something productive, but are you getting the clarity and results you want? It’s common to do and buy the “things” than apply the “things” to yourself…we’ve all been there too.


Here’s the bottom line when you feel stuck in midlife:


* You know you’re ready to be more aware of what you’re thinking, but you’re not really sure how to do it so that you actually move forward.


* Maybe you’ve even practiced mantras that other people tell you will work, or tried a new morning routine with journaling but you can actually saw yourself rolling your eyes a little bit and aren’t 100% in because you aren’t really sure.


Then you remember the other things you’ve tried and noticed that you’re not that great at following through long enough for actual change.


And in the end, you just start beating yourself up for not trying hard enough or long enough and you still feel stuck about what you were struck on in the first place, you life!


Please go here with me for a minute in your mind.


Just imagine, instead, if you weren’t alone in figuring this stuff out.


What do you think it would be like if you felt real support?


What about if you actually knew what to do?


What would it be like if you were fully equipped to make the changes you wanted to make?


What if you knew what button to press and what path to take to find what you needed?


Can you start to sense serenity?


If you ditch the angst about the whole process of moving forward and focused on belief that you could do it…it would be a different experience…one more joyful and relaxed!


If you knew you were in the right place with the right help to think about the path you wanted, just imagine how your clarity and insight would flow with more confidence like that.


OH…and this way, I also bet it would be way more fun too!


That’s what it’s like inside the Women in the Middle Academy.

Midlife Coach


You get the help you need to dream about and create your next chapter.


It doesn’t matter what specific result you want for yourself going forward; the steps to move the dial are surprisingly simple and repeatable once you learn how.


The thing is, your “stuckness” might make this seem out of reach right now. But whatever you want for yourself in your life…no matter how hard or fuzzy your vision for the future, the Academy will help you get unstuck and moving again.


More great news!


It’s all pulled together for you in one place with a step by step system and framework to give you all of the support you need too!


Whether it’s empty nest, career change, self-care, priority setting, aging, mindset, finding your passion, planning better, accountability, being more intentional, thinking on purpose, making new friends, relationships, happiness, motivation, managing fear, finding inspiration and more, you’ll find the coaching, community, curriculum and trainings inside the Academy.


In short (and I know about being short at only 4’10”, lol), the Women in the Middle Academy is exactly what you need and when you’re stuck and ready to unstuck yourself with joy.


You don’t need Calgon. You need the Academy!


We’re having a lot of fun together and would love for you to join us!


I invite you to CLICK HERE and book your free, no obligation Momentum Call for the Academy today We’ll chat and see if this program’s a good fit for you. You have nothing to lose and only your amazing midlife to gain!


suzy rosenstein midlife coachSuzy Rosenstein, MA is a master certified life coach and host of the popular podcast for midlife women, Women in the Middle, with over 1 million downloads. Having wasted five years being stuck herself, she knows how frustrating and painful it can be.  She uses her upbeat approach with the serious topic of aging to help you get clear about what you want, get unstuck and live your best life. Girlfriend, there’s more fun to be had! Start now with her free video training about how to get unstuck: www.midlifevideo.com




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