Summer Camp Vibes in Midlife! Join Midlife Summer Camp™!

What would it be like to be an adult women who brings back good ol’ summer camp vibes to midlife?

midlife coach coaching women

If you went to summer camp when you were a kid, you know what those “summer camp vibes” feel like, but can you imagine feeling that excited about summer now, in midlife?

Yes, at your age! An adult woman!

I’m talking about playfulness and magic, my friends. You deserve it!

I don’t know about you, but the whole “summer vibe thing” has been on my mind a lot lately.  I’m writing this blog at the end of May 2024 and it’s that special time of year again.

I don’t have kids going to camp anymore (but I did for 10 years!).

And I never went to camp every summer.

But I had a classic camp experience for one month when I was about 12. I also went to band camp throughout highschool and then worked at a camp in my 20s.

For sure, these experiences meant a lot to me; I understand what it’s like to have those summer camp vibes to some extent.

When I had camp experiences, I felt magical anticipation.

It felt like there was something sooooo special that was about to happen.

Like a beautiful promise that the summer would be elevated to amazingness in some way…

Kind of alike a sizzle-like quality.

The people were a huge part of the magic of course.

Connecting with friends – old and new – and thinking potential crushes was exciting too.

And then there’s all of the activities and traditions of camp – again, so much magic!

I also loved being outside so much of the day; it’s another amazing part of summer camp.

Trying new things is a huge part of the experience.

Laughing a lot is pretty much guaranteed.

These are just a few reasons why summer camp felt magical…the list goes on!

I went into more detail and explored how we can apply the benefits to camp to our lives now in midlife in a recent podcast, Episode 358 of the Women in the Middle Podcast.

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Everything about the anticipation felt easy, relaxed and fun, even though you never really knew how the summer would turn out. 

Basically, it felt like JOY on STEROIDS, lol.

I don’t know about you, but as an adult midlife gal who who enjoys being silly on occasion, I would love to have a lot of fun, connections and novelty again at this point in my life.

And then it hit me…

A lot of what’s magical about the summer camp experience can easily be applied to summers in midlife too! 

The clarity came fast.

Midlife gals could definitely benefit from being more playful, just like the old days.

Midlife gals love meeting other “women in the middle” like them.

Midlife gals love to try new things in a safe, trusting environment.

Midlife gals love to think about stuff at a deep, meaningful level.

Midlife gals want to be happy.

Midlife gals want to laugh more.

My friend, that’s why I created the new, Midlife Summer Camp™ experience!

midlife women 50+ summer fun

MIDLIFE SUMMER CAMP is a fun, virtual group coaching experience for midlife women 50+ who want to have some mindful, playful summer fun, like the good ol’ days!

Yes, you read that correctly. SUMMER FUN LIKE WHEN WE WERE KIDS.

And this time, it’s without the bugs, sunburn and the bunk beds with bad mattresses, lol.

And…you don’t have to move out for the summer without air conditioning, lol.

We’re going to have some purposeful, meaningful fun, in the summer, on Zoom, with other midlife gals. 

Midlife Summer Camp with your Camp Coach & Concierge, Suzy the Midlife Coach, is a going to be an engaging summer experience for YOU to meet some midlife gals, relax, do some high quality thinking and have some intentional fun!

midlife coach coaching


*JULY Session & AUGUST Session – Summer 2024

*4 group coaching calls per session

*Calls will be offered in JULY and then repeated in AUGUST.

Your camp registration includes ALL 8 CALLS (The topics will be repeated (but the conversation will be different,) so if you are on vacation,  it’s offered again!) Note: replays will not be available.

You can attend as many as you want!


* 8 fun, informative group coaching calls with Suzy about being intentional with more play, more fun and more connection!
* Calls include 2 Podcast Club calls for more opportunity to apply new concepts and share with other women in the middle
* Midlife Summer Camp Fun Guide to help you work through new concepts and experiment so you become the woman you want to be
* PDF Download of my book, 50 Ways to Celebrate Life After 50: Get Unstuck, Avoid Regrets, and Live Your Best Life! to get perspective and learn a lot to help you love your life more after 50!

What are you waiting for? You deserve to shake things up a bit and have MORE FUN this summer!

What would it be like for you to personally have a playful, meaningful and memorable summer? It’s a magical little gift you can give yourself!


women in the middle midlife podcast for women

Think about it…do you even remember when the last time was that you did something like this for yourself? Campy fun with other midlife gals from the comfort of your home?  

THIS is putting yourself first!  Woot!

Only ONE question left!  Are you coming?

It just won’t be the same without you!


Suzy Rosenstein Life CoachSuzy Rosenstein, MA is a master certified life coach and host of the popular podcasts for midlife women, Women in the Middle® (with over 1.7 million downloads) and the new show, Women in the Middle Entrepreneurs®. She uses her upbeat approach with the serious topic of aging to help you get unstuck and clear about what you want so you can live your best life. Girlfriend, there’s more fun to be had! Start now with her free “Get Unstuck in Midlife” Podcast Bundle at



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