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Create more awe, wonder and mindfulness when you’re whale watching in midlife!

Planning to go whale watching is extremely exciting. The time on the ocean goes by very quickly. Simple mindfulness strategies can help you amplify your experience so you can savor every last ounce of your experience with these magnificent animals.

This e-book will help you:

  • Discover how the concepts of awe, wonder and amplifying your experience can help you be less distracted and more present.
  • Understand how your thoughts and feelings around your whale watching experience can be more intentional and useful.
  • Use guided mindfulness prompts to maximize your amazing experience with the whales and nature in general!

Down your PDF copy today and enjoy your time whale watching even more!


Create more awe, wonder and mindfulness when you’re whale watching in midlife!

Planning to go whale watching is extremely exciting. The time on the ocean goes by very quickly. Simple mindfulness strategies can help you amplify your experience so you can savor every last ounce of your experience with these magnificent animals.

This e-book will help you:

  • Discover how the concepts of awe, wonder and amplifying your experience can help you be less distracted and more present.
  • Understand how your thoughts and feelings around your whale watching experience can be more intentional and useful.
  • Use guided mindfulness prompts to maximize your amazing experience with the whales and nature in general!

Here’s what’s included in the new guide:

  • Brief introduction to the topics of awe, wonder, being present & amplifying your experience
  • Tips to prepare for your whale-watch so that you’re less distracted
  • 10 prompts to consider during your whale-watch
  • 14 prompts to consider after your whale-watch
  • 19 beautiful photos of whales, including two that Suzy took personally

If you love whales, you’ll love going whale watching with this super helpful guide!

When you finally have time to make whale watching a priority, you want to amplify and maximize your experience so you you don’t have regrets. The time goes by so fast! This guide will help you stay more present to soak up every ounce of the amazing experience.

If you haven’t yet discovered whale watching, this guide will help you make sure that you know how to have more mindfulness during the whole amazing experience of hanging with the whales. You’ll never forget it!

Use the Whale Watching Mindfulness Prompts Guide to help yourself have a whale of a good time!

Down your PDF copy today!

