
Original price was: USD $37.00.Current price is: USD $27.00.

Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy Masterclass:

Take this fun midlife masterclass and get clear about your next chapter priorities without spin, confusion and overwhelm in less than an hour!

This masterclass is super convenient for you! It’s pre-recorded so you can watch the class and get unstuck on your own timeline!

Plus you’ll get these cool bonuses to help you on your journey into your exciting next chapter:

  • Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy Workbook for Happiness & Success ($47 USD value)
  • 50 Ways to Celebrate Life after 50 eBook (my book!) ($10 USD value)

You will love getting unstuck and clear about what you want so you can say goodbye to having regrets and feel happy and free going forward!

Scroll down for more details!

Introductory Price!  $27 USD


Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy

Take this fun midlife masterclass and get clear about your next chapter priorities without spin, confusion and overwhelm in less than an hour!

You’ve spent enough time feeling stuck about what you’re going to do in your next chapter – whether it’s because of something like a milestone birthday, empty nest, taking care of aging parents or retirement.

It’s time to stop wasting time and get clear now.


Do you even think it’s possible to figure out what you want – because you don’t think you have enough time to dream big at your age, or maybe you don’t even think you deserve to put yourself first?

Let me share something with you…YES IT IS!

Picture this:

You snap your fingers, and…

  • You’re crystal clear about what your priorities are so that you can take the next steps.
  • You finally feel free because you know how to move forward.
  • You see that you have plenty of time to have more fun and meaning in your life!

Now, I may not have a magic wand for you, but…

Here’s how you can get unstuck and crystal clear about what your priorities are in less than an hour with the Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy Masterclass:

STEP 1: Use our Women in the Middle® Midlife Snapshot tool to help you see patterns and insights about where your life is now so you can get new perspective.

STEP 2: Gain new perspective by using the Reflection & Clarity™ exercise to look at the insights revealed by the Women in the Middle® Midlife Snapshot tool to get clarity you haven’t had before.

STEP 3: Take the first intentional step forward by creating a Regret-Proof Power Plan™ and identify priorities, as well as the thoughts and feelings needed to finally get crystal clear to move forward into your next chapter the way you want to.

Yes, That’s it!

You can get the clarity you need now to create more a more fun and meaningful future, full of the happiness and success you’ve been craving!

  • Without wasting more valuable time feeling stuck and not making progress
  • Without feeling incredibly frustrated
  • Without being a “mean girl” to yourself because you can’t figure it all out
  • Without having to leave your house and find parking
  • Without continuing to ask your family and friends what you should do
  • Without continuing to spend weeks feeling confused and doing the same old things on autopilot
  • Without worrying about having regrets

Yup, my friend…this just might be the best news you’ve heard in decades…

When you know how to get super clear about your midlife priorities, you can easily take a powerful first step toward making your plan in less than and hour!

Want to be celebrating your brand new clarity about your next chapter by the end of the week…or even the end of the day?


Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy!

Take this fun masterclass, get unstuck & clear about your next chapter priorities in less than an hour, and celebrate the most clarity you’ve had about what you really want in life in decades!


Here’s what we cover inside the Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy Masterclass

1: Increased awareness of the context for feeling stuck in midlife: why you’re stuck and the reasons for getting unstuck.

2. The most common reasons for getting stuck in midlife.

3. What it feels like to be stuck and why it’s relevant to your journey to get unstuck.

4. How to use our Women in the Middle® Midlife Snapshot tool to help you see patterns and insights about where your life is now so you can get new perspective.

5. How to gain new perspective by using the Reflection & Clarity™ exercise to look at the insights revealed by the Women in the Middle® Midlife Snapshot tool to get clarity you haven’t had before.

6. How to identify your priorities for this next phase of your next chapter.

7. Take the first intentional step forward by creating a Regret-Proof Power Plan™ and identify priorities, as well as the thoughts and feelings needed to finally get crystal clear to move forward into your next chapter the way you want to.

8. How to identify the thoughts and feelings that will be useful to transform your newly identified midlife priorities into action.


Plus you’ll get these cool bonuses to help you on your journey into your exciting next chapter:

  • Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy Workbook for Happiness & Success ($47 USD value)
  • 50 Ways to Celebrate Life after 50 eBook (Suzy’s book!) ($10 USD value)


Discover your Priorities for a Fun, Meaningful and Successful Life!



suzy the midlife coach

Here’s some feedback and testimonials!


“I was surprised how clear it was to quickly see what I am happy with and what I need to work on. It was enlightening!”

“Lori G., South Carolina


“That was so powerful! I love the flower tool and how easit it was to priortize after that! I loved it! I was able to write down my priorities, my 3 major goals and I feel so good about them. I did the exercise…what would I have to feel, think and believe to meet those goals and then in the middle of the night, I refined it even more in my journal. The three goals and what I need to do becaame so clear! Now, whenever I’m in that negative mindset and am afraid…I just drive my care out of that rut in my mind and ask myself if I’m working on my priorities. I started to really notice what I love, movies, hiking…Girl, you are magic! You are so effective, so smart and so good. You’ve changed my life!”

-Shannon F., El Salvador


Suzy is so encouraging and the tools provided during the workshop were invaluable at quickly highlighting opportunities for improvement.  Suzy made if fun and entertaining to get unstuck!”

-Nicole B., Alberta, Canada


Thanks for the great exercises, to get some initial clarity on what we want to work on so we don’t have regrets! Thanks.”

-Christine A., Maine


This exercise was very enlightening. It really makes me think of what I need to need to do to have a more fulfilling life.”

Lynn P., New Jersey


It was interesting to see the different priorities in our lives and how they interact together and where I need to work to make my life happier!

Amy T., Florida


“Suzy explains complex concepts in an understandable way. I learned that I can work on what I’m thinking and how I’m feeling to improve my life. We all face challenges in life, but we can still enjoy the great and small joys of life when we understand ourselves and what we want.”

Heidi W., Arkansas


“Thank you, Suzy, for providing such valuable support & insight! This work was helpful on many levels! It was so uplifting to work through those questions with such thought-provoking tools. It definitely shifted my perspective on what I am looking for and how to get it!”

Beth K, New Jersey


“My “Aha” is as follows: The work helped me to see the “full flower” of my life and clarified areas that I can work to strengthen. I also liked the idea of identifying how I would feel and the thoughts I need to have to start making progress toward my priority areas. Another great takeaway was just a general feeling that others have similar challenges at this stage of life, and that it’s okay to just let some things go to pursue others that bring joy because our time is limited. Today, a day later, I feel sort of “freed up” and ready to move forward. Thanks again for all you do. You are making a difference!”

Cory U., Arizona


“I have a clear view about what and where I am in life.”

-Bharathi L., Texas


“I now have permission to be “green” (or for doing well in an area)”while still evolving and growing.”

-Erin O., Washington




