Get Unstuck in Midlife Podcast Bundle!

Host: Master Life Coach SUZY ROSENSTEIN

TOP 12 EPISODES TO help you Get Unstuck in Midlife and say “yes” to loving your life after 50 in a way you never thought was possible before!


EPISODE 1: Welcome to Women in the Middle

  • My personal story and journey that has brought me to where I am today.
  • The model that will help you manage your thoughts.
  • What Regret Proofing is all about.
  • The source of all of our problems (and it's probably not what you think).
  • What you can expect from the Women in the Middle™ podcast.
  • Who this podcast is for.


EPISODE 137: 6 Steps to Make Midlife Plans More Fun

  • Why it’s common to just plan for adequacy when you make plans.
  • How being untethered at this age and stage of life can be advantageous.
  • Why you should consider amplifying your plans as much as possible.
  • Six simple steps to make your midlife plans more fun.


EPISODE 134: Do you Feel Old in Midlife?

  • Why you sometimes feel positive about being old, and sometimes not.
  • How “being old” is really a thought that creates your feelings.
  • Why it’s important to reflect on the many times that you felt old when you were young.
  • The difference between feeling old and thinking that you’re old.
  • Five easy steps to thinking about being “old” more intentionally.


EPISODE 127: The Secret to Finding your Passion Project

  • Why it’s important to embrace your passion project.
  • How understanding that your thoughts inform how you prioritize your passion project.
  • How to determine the difference between hobbies and passions and why it’s important.
  • Why it’s also important to recognize when and why you’re not allowing yourself to focus on a passion project.


EPISODE 6: A Look at Your Underwear Drawer & the Importance of Self Care

  • Why your underwear drawer is stuffed with less-than-satisfactory undies and why that matters.
  • Three amazing reasons to ditch your bad underwear in midlife.
  • The thoughts that are holding you back from feeling great about yourself and how to change them.
  • How you can begin believing that wearing nice underwear is worth it.
  • My challenge to you to start weeding your panty drawer.


EPISODE 90: 9 Secrets to Get Unstuck

  • Why it’s common to feel stuck and want to get unstuck in midlife, especially your 50s.
  • Why the way you think about being stuck can affect your ability to unstick yourself.
  • How understanding that your excuses are optional can help you move forward.
  • Why not knowing what you want can keep you stuck.
  • Why noticing when you’re envious can help you have insight about what you want.
  • How making a small change can actually propel you forward.


EPISODE 140: The Cost of Staying Stuck & Playing the Waiting Game in Midlife

  • Why staying stuck is a real problem.
  • Why the fear about change can keep you stuck.
  • What the main costs are to staying stuck.
  • Why knowing the costs associated with staying stuck can motivate you forward.
  • Learn the six costs associated with staying stuck in midlife.


EPISODE 97: Setting the Stage for Midlife Weight Loss

  • Why mindfulness is critical to weight loss.
  • Why being oblivious to your thoughts may sabotage your diet.
  • How to get more perspective on what you think about your ability to lose weight.
  • Why it’s important to notice what you resist doing when you know it will help you lose weight.
  • How understanding that your feelings come from your thoughts can give you your power back.


EPISODE 139: 5 Ways to Use Envy for Good in Midlife

  • Why envy is an important emotion to be aware of in midlife.
  • Why being envious can surprise you.
  • How you can use envy to help discover what you really want.
  • Why ignoring what you want can lead to regrets.
  • Five simple ways to use envy for positive change in midlife.


EPISODE 94: Midlife Mistakes and 4 Secrets to Avoid Them

  • Why it’s common to make mistakes in midlife.
  • What the common mistakes are that are so easy to make.
  • How your thinking is related to the midlife mistakes you’re making.
  • Why taking full responsibility for your life outcomes is a step toward regret-proofing.
  • What the four secrets are to avoid common midlife mistakes.


EPISODE 142: 4 Things you Need to Know before you Make a Midlife Career Change

  • Why it’s common to no longer feel content in your midlife career.
  • Why the fear about change can keep you confused about what to do next.
  • Why it’s important to understand why you pursued the career path you have.
  • How it’s easy to let limiting beliefs about what’s possibly holding you back.
  • What four things you need to know when you’re ready to make a midlife career change.


EPISODE 99: Empty Nest Remix: 6 Steps to Help you when they Move Back Home

  • How to prepare when your kids move back after college.
  • Why it’s important to think about your expectations with adult children returning to your home.
  • How your adult child may have changed since living away.
  • Why thinking about how you want to feel is an important part of this transition.
  • How understanding that your feelings come from your thoughts can really help.


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